The Unopened Gift(s)


Life in Chennai can be quite frustrating in that bronze hour (the power-cut hour as against the golden hour) especially if it happens between 1 and 2 pm.  A couple of days back, me and my wife Geetha were perspiring in the September heat and that’s when she noticed the cute device on my desk.

It was a Pocket Carabiner Fan (Made in China -where else?) that was gifted by my friend Mukund on the occasion of his birthday.  (Normally birthday boys get gifts but this was a unique party where we got fed with samosas,  flavoured milk and black forest cake and a gift when we left!!!  How I wish Mukund had one birthday a month!!!)

Back to the incident, Geetha saw the fan unopened and asked if it was ok to open it.  It was then taken out of the case and with the batteries all loaded, all it required is to push the button to get a whiff of air.  Given that it was local circulation, we kept it alternately close to the face and experienced the rush of air.

By then, the power was restored and we had the luxury of having our bigger ceiling fan back in action.

My question to you: Do you have Gifts that are still unopened?  If yes, what are you waiting for?

And it is not only about Gifts but also things that you purchased with an intent to use like books to read, music CDs to listen and movie DVDs to watch.

Start opening the gifts and use them.  That’s why they were given to you in the first place, weren’t they?


1 Comment

  1. N Ramesh said,

    September 8, 2012 at 5:49 pm

    How I wish I knew Mukund ! ?

    Thus Lamented N Ra !

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